Retire Ready
About the Course
Retire Ready is a 2-hour course designed to equip pre-retirees and those in retirement with the knowledge they need to be ready to retire with confidence.
During this retirement course, you will discover:
- Introduction to retirement and how the retirement savings landscape has changed
- The potential major risk to your retirement including living longer than you planned, Social Security, healthcare expenses, inflation, and more.
- The 4 major factors (time, wealth, interest rates, and consumption) that determine how to calculate the amount you will need in retirement
- A disciplined approach to maximize your retirement nest egg
- A risk managed approach to investing in retirement.
And much more!

Course Outline
The course material is divided into multiple sections, each covering a set of concepts that are critical components for financial success in retirement.
1. Introduction to retirement
The retirement landscape has changed. People are living longer and spending more time in retirement than ever before. Understanding the retirement planning process and defining your goals for retirement are essential to help you ensure self-sufficiency and maintain your required lifestyle.
2. Understanding the potential risk to our retirement
On average you will spend ~10,000 days in retirement. During that time people are faced with numerous potential risks. From outliving your money by living longer than you have planned to the National Debt and Social Security challenges to the effects of inflation on your purchasing power this course highlights 6 of the major potential risks retirees and pre-retirees will face.
3. Calculating your retirement - it's all about the math!
How long will my nest egg last or how much money do I need in retirement? This course helps answer those questions by taking a mathematical approach to how much a person needs to have to ensure their money can last a lifetime by looking at wealth, consumption, interest rate, and time.
4. Investing in retirement
Your number 1 goal in retirement is to protect your investments above all else. This course highlights the importance of limiting large drawdowns by taking a disciplined risk managed approach to investing - especially for those in or near retirement.
Planning is bringing the future into the present so that you can do something about it now."
—Alan Lakein